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What Is the Main Cause of Erectile Dysfunction?

What Is the Main Cause of Erectile Dysfunction?

At REVAMP Wellness Center in Jacksonville, FL, we offer advanced treatments for erectile dysfunction to help men regain confidence and improve their sexual health. Our personalized approach focuses on addressing the root causes and providing effective, non-invasive solutions. Book a consultation today to explore your options and reclaim your vitality. If you have any more concerns, contact our specialist or schedule an appointment online. We are conveniently located at 8102 Blanding Blvd. Suite 17, Jacksonville, FL 32244


What Is the Main Cause of Erectile Dysfunction?
What Is the Main Cause of Erectile Dysfunction?

Table of Contents:

How can I improve my erectile dysfunction?
What are the top 10 reasons for erectile dysfunction?
When should I see a doctor for ED?

How can I improve my erectile dysfunction?

A doctor will first ensure that you’re getting the right treatment for any health conditions that are causing or worsening your erectile dysfunction.

The treatment options for erectile dysfunction will vary according to its cause and severity, as well as any underlying health conditions. In addition to explaining the risks and benefits of each treatment, your doctor will also take into account your preferences. You might also want to consider your partner’s preferences when choosing your treatment.

For many men, oral medications are effective treatments for erectile dysfunction. Having low levels of testosterone can exacerbate erectile dysfunction for some people. The first step might be testosterone replacement therapy, or it might be used in conjunction with other therapies. During alprostadil (Muse) intraurethral therapy, a tiny suppository is inserted into the penile urethra to deliver alprostadil. The suppository is administered through your penile urethra with the aid of a special applicator. Self-injection of alprostadil (Caverject, Edex) involves injecting the medication into your penis with a fine needle.

What are the top 10 reasons for erectile dysfunction?

1. The likelihood of developing erectile dysfunction increases as you get older, just like with many health issues. The percentage of men who suffer from ED increases with each decade of life, from about 2% to 12% by age 40. Approximately half of all men over 70 years of age experience some symptoms of ED.

2. The body converts testosterone into estrogen when you are overweight. It is for this reason that scientists believe obesity and a sedentary lifestyle (little to no exercise, unhealthy food choices, etc.) can contribute to erectile dysfunction.

3. Stress or mental health issues can interfere with your brain’s ability to create nerve connections and release the hormones responsible for erections. In addition to depression and anxiety, relationship difficulties, grief, watching too much pornography, and even performance anxiety in the bedroom are examples of stressors.

4. The diagnosis of diabetes is overwhelming for many reasons, and unfortunately, erectile dysfunction is often one of the medical problems a man with diabetes faces. ED is more likely to occur if you have diabetes (type 1 or type 2).

5. Heart disease, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol are associated with erectile dysfunction. Your doctor may want to examine your heart if you are experiencing ED without any other health problems.

6. Several health problems are associated with tobacco use, including erectile dysfunction. As a result of tobacco use, your blood flow decreases throughout you.

7. Erectile dysfunction can be caused or contributed to by a number of medications, both prescription and over-the-counter. A number of antidepressants, acid reflux medications, blood pressure medications, antihistamines, and opioid pain medications fall into this category.

8. An erection can be difficult or painful if the prostate is chronically inflamed or if there is prostate cancer in the prostate. If you have known prostate problems and experience ED, speak to your doctor right away.

9. Infections of the prostate gland can sometimes be caused by certain STIs, such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, untreated HIV, and viral hepatitis. It is possible that you will experience symptoms of ED if this happens.

10. Hair loss, insomnia, low sex drive, and erectile dysfunction are all symptoms of low T. The lower your testosterone level, the more symptoms you may experience.

When should I see a doctor for ED?

Getting an erection can be difficult from time to time, especially if you’re stressed, distracted, or just not feeling it. For instance, if you are having trouble getting an erection during foreplay or sex, you should see a healthcare provider. When you feel concerned about your erectile health or sexual performance, it is best to see an erectile dysfunction doctor/ed clinic as soon as possible. You can improve your erectile health if you meet with a doctor about erectile dysfunction as soon as possible.

Erectile dysfunction can be treated at Revamp Wellness Center. We serve patients from Jacksonville FL, Paxon FL, Arlington FL, Riverside FL, Lakeshore FL, Crystal Springs FL and Surrounding Areas.